what is the indirect object in this sentence "Chandler gave her the magazine"

Indirect objects tell TO or FOR WHOM or WHAT after the verb.

To whom did Chandler GIVE

OOps --

To whom did Chandler give the magazine?

To identify the indirect object in a sentence, you need to determine the recipient or the person/thing for whom the action is being performed. In this case, the sentence is "Chandler gave her the magazine."

To find the indirect object, follow these steps:
1. Identify the verb: The action verb in the sentence is "gave."
2. Ask yourself "To whom?" or "For whom?" after the verb: In this case, you can ask "To whom did Chandler give the magazine?" The answer is "her."
3. Verify if the answer you found in step 2 is a recipient of the action: In this sentence, "her" is a recipient of the action. Chandler is giving the magazine specifically to "her."

Therefore, in the sentence "Chandler gave her the magazine," the indirect object is "her."