Diagram each sampile subject and simple predicate.

1. People arrived early. People/arrived

2.They started the machines. They/started

3. Other people were stading around. people/standing

4. Four women have arrived late. women/arrived

5. Most factories are busy. factory/busy

6. Finally lunchtime arrived. lunchtime/arrived

7. The workers ate lunch. workers/ate

8. Men took walks. men/walks

9. People are watching a show. People/watching

10. People played games. People/played

3 people/were standing

4 women/have arrived

5 and 9 have the same type of error. How will you correct them?

5. Factories/are busy

9. People/are watching

1. People arrived early.

- Subject: People
- Simple Predicate: arrived

2. They started the machines.
- Subject: They
- Simple Predicate: started

3. Other people were standing around.
- Subject: people
- Simple Predicate: were standing

4. Four women have arrived late.
- Subject: women
- Simple Predicate: have arrived

5. Most factories are busy.
- Subject: factories
- Simple Predicate: are busy

6. Finally lunchtime arrived.
- Subject: lunchtime
- Simple Predicate: arrived

7. The workers ate lunch.
- Subject: workers
- Simple Predicate: ate

8. Men took walks.
- Subject: men
- Simple Predicate: took walks

9. People are watching a show.
- Subject: people
- Simple Predicate: are watching

10. People played games.
- Subject: people
- Simple Predicate: played

To determine the subject of a sentence, ask the question "Who or what is the sentence about?" The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described.

To determine the simple predicate (verb) of a sentence, ask the question "What is the action or what is being done in the sentence?" The simple predicate is the verb that expresses the action or state of being.