how to convert 1.37 kg as a mixed number

To convert 1.37 kg into a mixed number, you need to understand that a mixed number consists of a whole number part and a fractional part.

First, you can observe that 1 kg represents the whole number part, and the 0.37 kg represents the fractional part. To determine the fractional part, you need to identify the decimal place value of 0.37.

0.37 has two decimal places, so you can express it as a fraction by writing the number over the place value of the last decimal place, which is two. Hence, 0.37 can be written as 37/100.

Now, you have the whole number part of 1 kg and the fractional part of 37/100 kg. To combine them into a mixed number, add the two parts together.

1 kg + 37/100 kg = (100 kg + 37/100 kg) / 100 kg

Simplifying the numerator:

100 kg + 37/100 kg = 100.37 kg

Therefore, 1.37 kg can be represented as the mixed number 1 37/100 kg.