If I am 11 years old on Earth,how old will I be in Mercury?

It depends on what you mean by years? Earth years? And when you ask how old will I be...the answer is the same age, but do you want it in Earth years, or Mercury years.

If I am 11 in earth how old will I be on mercury

To calculate your age on Mercury, you need to consider the conversion rate of Mercury's orbital period around the Sun compared to Earth's. Here's what you need to do:

1. Determine the orbital period of Mercury: The time it takes for Mercury to complete one orbit around the Sun is approximately 88 Earth days.

2. Calculate the conversion factor: Divide the number of Earth days in a year (365 days) by the number of Mercury days in a year (88 days).

Conversion factor = 365 days / 88 days ≈ 4.1477

3. Calculate your age on Mercury: Multiply your age on Earth by the conversion factor.

Age on Mercury = Age on Earth × Conversion factor

For example, if you are currently 11 years old on Earth:

Age on Mercury = 11 years × 4.1477 ≈ 45.6257

Therefore, you would be approximately 45.6 years old on Mercury. Keep in mind that Mercury has a different concept of year due to its shorter orbital period, so this is just a conversion to help understand age equivalency.