1. "Perdón, ¿cuánto ____ este suéter?"

"Veinte pesos."
a. cuestan
b. cuesta
c. compra
d. va
A or B?

2. Busco una camisa verde ________.
a. a tí
b. a mí
c. conmigo
d. para mí

3. Quiero comprar unas manzanas? ¿_______ cuestan?
a. Cuánta
b. Cuánto
c. Cuántos
d. Cuántas

4. Ahora son las cuatro. Compré mis zapatos a las tres. Los compré _________.
a. en mi horario
b. hace una hora
c. morados
d. y no pagaste mucho

5. "____________"
"Son moradas."
a. ¿De qué color son las uvas?
b. ¿Son sabrosas?
c. ¿Como la quedan?
d. ¿Te quedan bien?


1. not A because the verb is plural and the subject is singular. The answer is B.

2. sí

3. B (How much do they cost?)

4. sí

5. sí


1. To answer the first question, we need to determine the correct form of the verb based on the context. Since the price of the sweater is being referred to, we use the third person singular form. Therefore, the correct answer is B. The sentence should be: "Perdón, ¿cuánto cuesta este suéter?"

2. For the second question, we need to choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence. In this case, we are looking for a shirt "for me" or "to me." Therefore, the correct answer is D. The sentence should be: "Busco una camisa verde para mí."

3. In the third question, we need to choose the correct form of the question word "cuánto" to match the noun it refers to (manzanas). Since "manzanas" is a plural noun, we use the plural form of the question word. Therefore, the correct answer is D. The question should be: "¿Cuántas cuestan?"

4. In the fourth question, we need to choose the correct phrase that indicates the time when the shoes were bought. Since the sentence states that it is currently 4 o'clock and the shoes were bought at 3 o'clock, we need to choose the phrase indicating "an hour ago." Therefore, the correct answer is B. The sentence should be: "Los compré hace una hora."

5. For the last question, we need to choose the appropriate question based on the response given. The response states the color of the grapes. Therefore, the correct question to ask is about the color of the grapes. The correct answer is A. The question should be: "¿De qué color son las uvas?"