At the atomic level, what is meant by saying something is electrically charged?

- When something is electrically charged it means that it has a positive charge.

Why is charged usually transferred by electrons rather that protons?
-The electrons are oppositly charged than the protons.

Why do clothes often cling together after tumbling in a clothes dryer?
-Static was produced (not too sure about this one)

"At the atomic level, what is meant by saying something is electrically charged?

- When something is electrically charged it means that it has a positive charge"

Electrically charged atoms are called ions. Ions can be positively or negatively charged.

"Why is charged usually transferred by electrons rather that protons?
-The electrons are oppositly charged than the protons."

Electrons are light so electric fields will cause them to move much faster than protons or ions.

"Why do clothes often cling together after tumbling in a clothes dryer?
-Static was produced (not too sure about this one)"

Yes, I think this is correct.

<<Why do clothes often cling together after tumbling in a clothes dryer?

-Static was produced (not too sure about this one) >>

Friction causes the different fabrics present in the dryer to transfer electrons from one faric type to another. This leaves them oppositely charged with a tendency to cling.

Acoording to this hypothesis, a load of clothes of the same fabric type would not experience clinging. Sounds like a good experiment.

i have to find the prime factorization number for 6,8,and36my anwer i got was 21 is that correct

You're on the right track! When clothes tumble in a clothes dryer, they can become charged with static electricity. This happens because as the clothes rub against each other, their electrons can be transferred from one garment to another. This results in one garment becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged. Like charges repel, but opposite charges attract. So when the clothes are charged, they can cling together due to the attraction between the positive and negative charges.