Solve x-9/x^2-4 < 0 and write interval notation


x-9/x^2-4 < 0 ≠ (x-9)/(x^2-4) < 0

I presume it is the latter, and that you have omitted to insert parentheses when interpreting a fraction.

The best way to visualize the problem is to sketch a graph of the function (of the left-hand-side).

The numerator is positive for x>9, and negative for x<9.

The denominator is >0 for |x|>2, and <0 for x<2.

Note that there is a vertical asymptote at x=2.

So make a table:
interval numerator denominator expression
(-∞,-2) <0 >0 <0
(-2,2) <0 <0 >0
(2,9) <0 >0 <0
(9,+∞) >0 >0 >0

From the table, it should be relatively easy to find the solution to f(x)<0.

For reference:

To solve the inequality (x - 9)/(x^2 - 4) < 0, we need to find the values of x that make the expression less than zero.

Step 1: Factor the denominator.

The denominator x^2 - 4 can be factored as (x - 2)(x + 2).

Step 2: Determine the critical points.

To find the critical points, we need to set both the numerator (x - 9) and the denominator (x - 2)(x + 2) equal to zero and solve for x.

Setting x - 9 = 0, we find x = 9.
Setting (x - 2)(x + 2) = 0, we find x = -2 and x = 2.

The critical points are x = -2, x = 2, and x = 9.

Step 3: Create a sign chart.

On a number line, mark the critical points -2, 2, and 9.

Choose test points in the intervals between these critical points to determine the sign of the expression (x - 9)/(x^2 - 4).

For example, choose x = -3, which is less than -2, and substitute it into the inequality:

(-3 - 9)/((-3)^2 - 4) = (-12)/(9 - 4) = -12/5 < 0

Therefore, the expression is negative in the interval (-∞, -2).

Choose x = 0, which is between -2 and 2, and substitute it into the inequality:

(0 - 9)/(0^2 - 4) = (-9)/(-4) > 0

Therefore, the expression is positive in the interval (-2, 2).

Choose x = 5, which is greater than 2, and substitute it into the inequality:

(5 - 9)/(5^2 - 4) = (-4)/(21) < 0

Therefore, the expression is negative in the interval (2, 9).

Choose x = 10, which is greater than 9, and substitute it into the inequality:

(10 - 9)/(10^2 - 4) = (1)/(96) > 0

Therefore, the expression is positive in the interval (9, ∞).

Step 4: Write the solution in interval notation.

Based on the sign chart, the solution to the inequality (x - 9)/(x^2 - 4) < 0 is:

(-∞, -2) U (2, 9)