What was the main problem in the book Mrs. Mack.

I assume you've read this book.

This site will help you figure out the main problem.


no we have to do a research project on it and we have to get the book from a library but i can't becuase i am busy with the rest of my homework. so i need a website where i can read the whole book but thanks, Mrs. Sue.

It's not available online because it's still under copyright.

To find out the main problem in the book "Mrs. Mack," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading or skimming through the book "Mrs. Mack." Pay attention to the main plot or storylines within the book.

2. Look for conflicts or challenges that the characters face throughout the story. Consider any recurring problems that may arise.

3. Identify the central issue or obstacle that drives the plot and creates tension or conflict for the characters. This is likely to be the main problem of the book.

If you are unable to access the book "Mrs. Mack" or cannot find the information you need, it might be helpful to search online for book summaries, reviews, or analysis of the story. These resources can provide insights into the main problem or conflict within the book.