Given the expression (3s-4)(4s+5), explain in words the steps taken to completely simplify the expression

Given the expression (3s-4)(4s+5) explain in words the steps taken to completely simplify the expression.

To completely simplify the expression (3s-4)(4s+5), follow these steps:

Step 1: Use the Distributive Property by multiplying the first term (3s) with both terms in the second parentheses.
(3s)*(4s) = 12s^2 (by multiplying coefficients and adding exponents)
(3s)*(5) = 15s (by multiplying coefficients)

Step 2: Multiply the second term (-4) with both terms in the second parentheses.
(-4)*(4s) = -16s (by multiplying coefficients)
(-4)*(5) = -20 (by multiplying coefficients)

Step 3: Combine the like terms obtained in Steps 1 and 2.
12s^2 + 15s - 16s - 20 (by grouping like terms)

Step 4: Simplify by combining the like terms.
12s^2 - s - 20 (by combining like terms)

Thus, the completely simplified expression is 12s^2 - s - 20.

To completely simplify the expression (3s-4)(4s+5), we will use the distributive property.

Step 1: First, we will apply the distributive property by multiplying the first term (3s) with each term inside the second parentheses (4s and 5):
- Multiply 3s by 4s: 3s * 4s = 12s^2
- Multiply 3s by 5: 3s * 5 = 15s

Step 2: Next, we will apply the distributive property by multiplying the second term (-4) with each term inside the second parentheses (4s and 5):
- Multiply -4 by 4s: -4 * 4s = -16s
- Multiply -4 by 5: -4 * 5 = -20

Step 3: Now, we have simplified the expression (3s-4)(4s+5) to:
12s^2 + 15s - 16s - 20

Step 4: Combine like terms:
12s^2 + (15s - 16s) - 20
12s^2 - s - 20

The completely simplified expression for (3s-4)(4s+5) is 12s^2 - s - 20.

My general advice to answer this type of question is to do what it says in the question, but make a simple note of each step that you do. Then write up the notes of the steps.

This question does not give guidance on the format required, so you could produce a simple list of steps?