If a heterozygote is crossed with a recessive individual, what % of their offspring will be recessive (have light hair)?

Thank You :)

You are entirely welcome.

Sra (aka Mme)

Dark hair =R light hair =r

lets say the mom (in this example the heterozygous) has the trait of "Rr". the dad has "rr"(use a punnet square! i willl try to show you)

R r

r Rr rr

r Rr rr

50% probability their offspring will have dark hair, 50 % probability their offspring will have light hair.

sorry i guess it didn't come out as planned:(

forget my answer! my bad...

To determine the percentage of offspring that will be recessive (have light hair) when a heterozygote is crossed with a recessive individual, we need to understand the genetic inheritance pattern.

In this case, let's assume that the gene for hair color has two possible alleles: a dominant allele (A) for dark hair and a recessive allele (a) for light hair.

When a heterozygote (Aa) is crossed with a recessive individual (aa), the offspring will inherit one allele from each parent.

Each offspring will have a 50% chance of inheriting the dominant allele (A) from the heterozygote parent and a 50% chance of inheriting the recessive allele (a) from the recessive parent.

Therefore, the percentage of offspring that will have light hair (recessive) can be calculated by multiplying the probability of inheriting the recessive allele from both parents:

0.5 (probability of inheriting the recessive allele from the heterozygote) × 1 (probability of inheriting the recessive allele from the recessive parent) = 0.5 or 50%

So, 50% of the offspring will be recessive and have light hair in this cross.