What is “the problem of evil,” and why is it particularly problematic for Western, monotheistic religious traditions?

I am able to address "the problem of evil"; however, I do not know the second part of the question; can someone kind enough to give me some hint or point to me some websites that can help me?


Western religions believe that God is all powerful. The haunting question has been why God allows evil in the world. Why did God allow the innocent and faithful Jews be slaughtered during the Holocaust?

If one believes good and evil are existant because of the nature of things (or Gods), then if there is One God, how can God be good if He allows evil?

This is the problem of Evil. Read about it in the Christian Bible, in the Book of Job.

Certainly! I can help you with that. "The problem of evil" refers to the philosophical question of how to reconcile the existence of evil and suffering in the world with the existence of a benevolent and all-powerful God. The problem is particularly problematic for Western, monotheistic religious traditions because they typically hold the belief in an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God.

To explore this topic further and understand why it is problematic for Western, monotheistic religious traditions, you can start by looking for resources that discuss the philosophy of religion, specifically the problem of evil. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - The Problem of Evil: This comprehensive article provides a detailed overview of the problem of evil, its various forms, and the attempts made to address it within different religious traditions. You can find it at: plato.stanford.edu/entries/evil/.

2. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - The Problem of Evil: Similar to the Stanford Encyclopedia, this article provides an in-depth discussion of the problem of evil, focusing on the different arguments and approaches in Western philosophy, including those from monotheistic religious traditions. You can find it at: www.iep.utm.edu/evil-log/.

3. Books: Consider reading books such as "The Problem of Pain" by C.S. Lewis, "Evil and the God of Love" by John Hick, or "God, Freedom, and Evil" by Alvin Plantinga. These works specifically address the problem of evil in the context of Western monotheistic religious traditions.

Remember, exploring different perspectives and engaging with various scholarly sources will help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.