how far did the chile miners enter into the earth

To determine how far the Chilean miners entered into the Earth, you can consider the depth of the San José mine, where the incident occurred. Here's how you can find this information:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources of information, such as news articles, documentaries, or official reports, which provide details about the depth of the mine. Use search engines like Google to look for these sources.

2. Look for news articles or reports specifically related to the San José mine incident in Chile, which took place in 2010. These sources are likely to cover the depth of the mine.

3. Once you find relevant sources, read through them to gather the necessary information. Look for details, including the depth of the shaft or tunnel where the miners were trapped.

4. Verify the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and get a more comprehensive understanding.

In the case of the Chilean miners, they were trapped approximately 700 meters (2,300 feet) below the surface when the collapse occurred. This information has been widely reported and confirmed by reputable sources.

Keep in mind that the information provided here is accurate based on the available data, but it's always a good practice to verify it from various reputable sources.