The following measurements in scienific notion...


Thank you so much

To express these measurements in scientific notation, we need to write them in the form of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Let's convert each measurement:

1. 22,000 mg:
We can start by moving the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. Count the number of decimal places you moved. In this case, we need to move it four places to the left to get 2.2. So, 22,000 mg can be written as 2.2 x 10^4 mg.

2. 65,900,000 m:
Similarly, we shift the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we need to move it six places to the left to get 6.59. Therefore, 65,900,000 m becomes 6.59 x 10^7 m.

3. 0.0005 km:
Again, we shift the decimal point, this time to the right, to create a number between 1 and 10. Now, we move it three places to the right, resulting in 5. So, 0.0005 km can be expressed as 5 x 10^-4 km.

4. 0.0000037 kg:
Once more, we shift the decimal point. This time, we need to move it five places to the right, giving us 3.7. Therefore, 0.0000037 kg becomes 3.7 x 10^-6 kg.

Please note that you can use the scientific notation calculator applet you provided to verify these results or to get any other measurements converted into scientific notation.