this is the assignment can you tell me if i covered what was needed of the assignment? Write two paragraphs, with a total minimum word count of 350 words, explaining what your point of view will be and what you plan to accomplish in your paper.

My point of view of this paper is to let everyone know why it is important to save for retirement, and not to rely on Social Security as there only income. Social Security is a government program in place to help retirees, widows, and disabled people who are not able to work. Most people rely solely on Social Security, and find that they are hungry each month, stressing on how to pay medical bills and even worrying about how they will pay for their electric bills. With the number of people on Social Security it is projected that Social Security funds will be depleted by 2041. It is expected that there will not be enough money being paid into the plan to cover what has been promised. If funds are depleted who knows what will become of Social Security. However, knowing that you have money saved for retirement will help a great deal especially if you want to live comfortably at the age of retirement.

In this essay, I plan on trying to let the reader know why it is so important to save for retirement, or plan to continue to work until you are not able to work any longer. I plan on showing that Social Security alone is not enough income to pay for housing, medical bills, food, prescriptions and all the other daily life expenses; unless of course you plan on living with a family member once you are retired but that still may not be enough income monthly. I want people to ask themselves what they would do if there was no Social Security. How would they make it, when they can physically no longer work? Some people do not realize, when Social Security Plan was created it was also set to allow the Government to borrow excess funds on terms they will pay it back. But what happens when the Government cannot afford to pay back what they have borrowed. I also plan on giving examples of that we should not rely on Social Security not only because it’s not enough income to live off of but, it just may not be available. If you do not plan on Social Security, whatever the Government gives you will be great monthly bonus to your monthly income.

Based on the information provided, it seems that you have covered the necessary components of the assignment.

In your first paragraph, you clearly state your point of view: to emphasize the importance of saving for retirement and not relying solely on Social Security as the only source of income. You provide key information about Social Security and highlight the potential issues, such as depletion of funds by 2041. Additionally, you mention the benefits of having personal savings for a comfortable retirement.

In your second paragraph, you outline your plan for the essay. You aim to convey that Social Security alone is not sufficient to cover essential expenses, such as housing, medical bills, and food. You encourage readers to consider alternate scenarios where Social Security may not be available, and highlight the potential consequences of relying solely on this program. Lastly, you plan to provide examples to support your argument about the need for personal savings for retirement.

Overall, it appears that you have met the requirements of the assignment by expressing your point of view and providing an outline for your paper. Remember to expand on these ideas and provide supporting evidence and examples in your essay.

Based on the assignment prompt, it seems that you have covered what was needed in the assignment. You have written two paragraphs with a total word count of 379 words, which meets the requirement of a minimum word count of 350 words. Your paragraphs explain your point of view and what you plan to accomplish in your paper.

In the first paragraph, you clearly state your point of view that it is important to save for retirement and not rely solely on Social Security as the only source of income. You highlight the issues that can arise when relying solely on Social Security, such as financial struggles and potential depletion of Social Security funds. You also express the importance of having personal savings for a comfortable retirement.

In the second paragraph, you outline your plan to inform the readers about the importance of saving for retirement and the limitations of solely relying on Social Security. You mention the various expenses that Social Security may not be enough to cover, and you encourage readers to envision a scenario without Social Security. You also touch upon the potential risks of the government not being able to meet its obligations towards the Social Security program.

Overall, you have provided a clear overview of your point of view and the objectives of your paper. You have addressed the main points and have exceeded the minimum word count requirement.