A house has a floor area of 119 m2 and an outside wall that has an area of 32 m2. The earth's magnetic field here has a horizontal component of 2.1 x 10^-5 T that points due north and a vertical component of 5.0 x 10^-5 T that points straight down, toward the earth.

(a) Determine the magnetic flux through the wall if the wall faces north.

mag flux = BH A
mag flux = (2.1 x10^-5T)(32 m^2)
mag flux = 6.72 x 10^-4 Wb

(b) Determine the magnetic flux through the wall if the wall faces east.
_______ Wb

mag flux = BH A COS 90 degrees + Bv A cos 90 degrees

mag flux = 0 Wb

(c) Calculate the magnetic flux that passes through the floor.
_______ Wb

mag flux = Bh cos 90 degrees + BvA cos 0.0 degrees

mag flux = BvA

mag flux = (5.0 x 10^-5)(119 m^2)

mag flux = 5.95 x 10^-3 Wb

Flux = area x (normal B field component)

I agree with your answers

(a) The magnetic flux through the wall if the wall faces north is 6.72 x 10^-4 Wb.

(b) The magnetic flux through the wall if the wall faces east is 0 Wb.

(c) The magnetic flux that passes through the floor is 5.95 x 10^-3 Wb.

To solve this question, you need to use the formula for calculating magnetic flux, which is given by:

magnetic flux = B * A * cos(theta)

where B is the magnetic field, A is the area, and theta is the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the area.

(a) To determine the magnetic flux through the wall if it faces north, you can use the formula:

magnetic flux = B * A * cos(theta)

Here, B is the horizontal component of the magnetic field, given as 2.1 x 10^-5 T, A is the area of the wall, given as 32 m^2, and theta is 0 degrees since the wall faces north.

Substituting the values into the formula:

magnetic flux = (2.1 x 10^-5 T) * (32 m^2) * cos(0 degrees)
magnetic flux = 6.72 x 10^-4 Wb (Tesla multiplied by square meters gives Weber or Wb)

Therefore, the magnetic flux through the wall, if it faces north, is 6.72 x 10^-4 Wb.

(b) To determine the magnetic flux through the wall if it faces east, you need to calculate the angle theta between the magnetic field and the normal to the wall.

Since the wall faces east, the angle theta is 90 degrees, and the formula becomes:

magnetic flux = B * A * cos(theta)

In this case, B is the horizontal component of the magnetic field, given as 2.1 x 10^-5 T, A is the area of the wall, given as 32 m^2, and theta is 90 degrees since the wall faces east.

Plugging in the values:

magnetic flux = (2.1 x 10^-5 T) * (32 m^2) * cos(90 degrees)
magnetic flux = 0 Wb

Therefore, the magnetic flux through the wall, if it faces east, is 0 Wb.

(c) To calculate the magnetic flux that passes through the floor, you need to consider both the horizontal and vertical components of the magnetic field.

Using the formula:

magnetic flux = B * A * cos(theta)

In this case, B is the vertical component of the magnetic field, given as 5.0 x 10^-5 T, A is the area of the floor, given as 119 m^2, and theta is 0 degrees since the magnetic field points straight down, perpendicular to the floor.

Plugging in the values:

magnetic flux = (5.0 x 10^-5 T) * (119 m^2) * cos(0 degrees)
magnetic flux = 5.95 x 10^-3 Wb

Therefore, the magnetic flux that passes through the floor is 5.95 x 10^-3 Wb.