Professional Growth Statement: __________________________________________________________________________________________


Timeline: This plan should address your plans for professional growth prior to your student teaching experience.

PLANNING AND PREPARATION A. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy I would make an in-depth study of topics to be treated in class.
I would learn about the different ways which I can use to pass across information.
I would enroll in programs designed for tutors to help them in their tutoring process.

Outcomes will be evaluated through oral, written, and kinesthetic assessments. I will share results with my coop teacher and my faculty supervisor.
B. Instructional Planning and Resources Internet Access
School Curriculum
Other materials that I consider a valuable asset.
C. Instructional Design Online assignments
Manuals provided by the school
D. Assessment Weekly group discussions
Take home assignment
Two final tests
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT A. Managing Classroom Procedures Elect a course representative to handle course procedures. Supervise the projects /goals that are on ground.

B. Managing Student Behavior Setting strict rules about
seriousness to academics.
Setting rules that would keep students in line.
C. Creating a Positive Learning Climate Encouraging students to share their opinions.
Develop curiosity in the students.
Ask them thought provoking questions.
Hint them about next topic.

INSTRUCTION A. Communication Develop communication
Create a free environment for discussion.
Operate an open door policy .
B. Student Engagement Student’s involvement in answering questions raised in class.
Group engagement on topics in class group discussions .
C. Diversity Learn how to diversify
in my style of teaching.
Develop how to use several styles to teach in a single class.
Learn how to switch from one style to another.
THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR A. Parent and Community Involvement Organize tutoring programs.
Educate parents on their role in the life of their child
B. Professionalism Register for professional
Brand myself so that I would be a world class tutor
C. Reflection Think and evaluate my progress
Assess my progress as against what my original goals are.

What is the question here?

sorry. it didn't copy like the chart. i needed help on the last column which was determination of the evaluation.

A professional growth statement outlines your plans for professional development and growth prior to your student teaching experience. It should include specific actions you will take to accomplish each standard in each domain, a timeline for completion, and how outcomes will be evaluated. Here is an explanation of each domain and some examples of actions you can take to accomplish each standard:

Domain One: Planning and Preparation

Standard A: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
- Make an in-depth study of topics to be taught in your class.
- Learn about different teaching methods and strategies.
- Enroll in programs designed for tutors to enhance your tutoring skills.

Standard B: Instructional Planning and Resources
- Ensure you have access to the internet for research purposes.
- Familiarize yourself with the school curriculum and align your lesson plans accordingly.
- Collect other materials that you find valuable for teaching.

Standard C: Instructional Design
- Assign online assignments to your students.
- Make use of any manuals or guides provided by the school for designing your lessons.

Standard D: Assessment
- Conduct weekly group discussions to assess students' understanding.
- Assign take-home assignments.
- Administer two final tests.

Domain Two: Learning Environment

Standard A: Managing Classroom Procedures
- Elect a course representative to handle daily course procedures.
- Supervise ongoing projects or goals in the classroom.

Standard B: Managing Student Behavior
- Set clear rules and expectations for students' academic seriousness.
- Establish rules that promote discipline and order in the classroom.

Standard C: Creating a Positive Learning Climate
- Encourage students to share their opinions and ideas.
- Foster curiosity in students by asking thought-provoking questions.
- Give hints about upcoming topics to spark interest.

Domain Three: Instruction

Standard A: Communication
- Develop effective communication skills.
- Create a safe and open environment for discussion.
- Operate an open-door policy for students to seek assistance.

Standard B: Student Engagement
- Encourage active participation from students in answering questions.
- Facilitate group discussions on classroom topics.

Standard C: Diversity
- Learn how to use different teaching styles to cater to diverse learners.
- Develop the ability to switch between teaching styles within a single class.

Domain Four: The Professional Educator

Standard A: Parent and Community Involvement
- Organize tutoring programs to involve parents and the community.
- Educate parents on their role in their child's education.

Standard B: Professionalism
- Register for professional exams or certifications relevant to your field.
- Build your personal brand to become a world-class tutor.

Standard C: Reflection
- Think and evaluate your progress on a weekly basis.
- Assess your progress against your original goals and make adjustments as needed.

Evaluation of outcomes can be done through various methods such as oral, written, and kinesthetic assessments. You can share the results with your cooperating teacher and faculty supervisor for feedback and further improvement.