2. Which of the following were used by cave painters to make pigment?

a. Stone and moss
b. Moss and clay
c. Clay and stone
d. Stone and water

5. Having one or more centers of interest on a composition is called
a. balance
b. rhythm
c. emphasis
d. harmony

9. The method of gaining information from a work of art is called
a. judgement
b. criticism
c. interpretation
d. media process

12. ________ sculptures are known for their technical proficiency and beauty.
a. Benin
b. Mali
c. Akan
d. Ife

14. Paintings of brightly colored, fantastic, yet humanlike images on sheets of brightly colored parchment was done by the
a. Aztecs
b. Incas
c. Plains Indians
d. Navajos

16. Buddha's followers were known as
a. Nirvanas
b. Viharas
c. Stupa
d. Vishnu
Not sure...


For 2: Read several of these articles:


For 5: What does your text say? Balance? or Harmony?

9 - I agree

For 12 and 14: Look up each term here:

For 16: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=buddha's+followers&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

2. According to these websites, some pigments was made of spit/fat plus dirt/charcoal. Others were made from various minerals.




5. I don't know.

9. I agree.

12, 14. I don't know.

16. http://books.google.com/books?id=H3lUIIYxWkEC&pg=PA307&lpg=PA307&dq=buddha's+followers+Viharas&source=bl&ots=xcdw3VeZhH&sig=NZRZwtxBSs1pUYsKewAYDHwRftg&hl=en&ei=xDL5TILBMMGAlAfn2qDCBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=buddha's%20followers%20Viharas&f=false

Still don't know #16.


As for #5, it is always best to have ONE focal point. I believe the answer here is b. rhythm

12. I believe this d. Ife because their sculpture is so life like.

14. This is not a good question unless by "parchment" the amatl (made from pounded bark) would count and then the answer would be a. Aztecs.

16. In my opinion, none of these would fit for "followers" who are people and not things. The first 3 have to do with Buddha but the 4th is Hindu.



I don't think any of the answers are right on 16. I looked up each in the dictionary.

That's what I was thinking about #16. I guess I'll have to contact my teacher about it.


12. To determine which sculptures are known for their technical proficiency and beauty, you would need to conduct some research or consult additional sources. You can start by searching for information about different sculpture traditions such as the Benin, Mali, Akan, and Ife to see which one matches the given description.

14. Paintings of brightly colored, fantastic, yet humanlike images on sheets of brightly colored parchment were done by the Aztecs. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze each option and eliminate the ones that are not consistent with the given description. In this case, the Aztecs are known for their vibrant and detailed codices, which align with the description.

16. Buddha's followers were known as neither Nirvanas nor Vishnu. To find the correct answer, you can exclude these two options based on your knowledge or conduct further research. The term "Nirvanas" refers to the state of enlightenment in Buddhism, not the followers. "Vishnu" is a Hindu deity, not directly related to Buddhism. The options left are "Viharas" and "Stupa." While both terms are associated with Buddhism, "Viharas" more accurately refers to the residences or monastic establishments of Buddhist monks, whereas "Stupa" refers to a burial mound or reliquary in Buddhism. Therefore, the correct answer is likely "Viharas." However, it is always best to verify the answer through further research or consultation with an authoritative source.