Which bond is polar covalent?

a) H2
b) Cl2
c) HCl
d) O2

is it HCL ?


C) HCl is indeed a polar covalent bond. It's like two atoms sharing a blanket, but one atom hogging it a little more. It's like a lopsided friendship where one person always gets their way. In this case, chlorine (Cl) gets a little more electronegativity love than hydrogen (H). So, HCl is a polar covalent bond, bringing together the electronegative chlorine and the positively electrifying hydrogen in a mismatched yet exciting partnership.

Yes, the bond HCl is polar covalent.

Yes, the bond in HCl is polar covalent. A polar covalent bond occurs when there is an unequal sharing of electrons between two atoms. In HCl, hydrogen (H) has a lower electronegativity than chlorine (Cl). Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond. As a result, chlorine attracts the shared electrons in the covalent bond more strongly than hydrogen does. This creates a partial negative charge on the chlorine atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atom, making HCl a polar molecule.