I need help with this question.

How does an electrically polarized object differ from an electrically charged object?

To understand the difference between an electrically polarized object and an electrically charged object, let's start with some basic definitions.

An electrically charged object has an excess or deficiency of electrons, resulting in a net electric charge. This charge can be positive if there is a deficiency of electrons, or negative if there is an excess of electrons.

On the other hand, an electrically polarized object is a neutral object that has been subjected to an external electric field. This electric field causes the alignment of the positive and negative charges inside the object, resulting in a separation of charges.

Here's how you can visualize the difference between the two:

1. Electrically Charged Object:
- Imagine a balloon rubbed against your hair, gaining extra electrons. This builds up an excess of negative charge on the surface of the balloon.
- The excess electrons create a net charge on the balloon, making it electrically charged.
- You can measure the charge using a charge-detecting device, such as an electroscope, which will show the presence and magnitude of the charge.

2. Electrically Polarized Object:
- Consider a neutral object, like a metal sphere, placed in an external electric field.
- The electric field causes a redistribution of charges within the object, even though the object as a whole remains electrically neutral.
- The positively charged atomic nuclei are attracted towards the negative end of the external field, while the negatively charged electrons move towards the positive end.
- This separation of charges within the object creates an electric dipole moment, causing the object to be electrically polarized.
- If you try to measure the overall charge of the object using a charge-detecting device, it will show no net charge because the charges cancel each other out.

In summary, the main difference between an electrically charged object and an electrically polarized object is that the former possesses a net charge, while the latter does not. An electrically charged object has a surplus or deficiency of electrons, whereas an electrically polarized object has a separation of charges within itself due to the influence of an external electric field.

I will be happy to critique your thinking. It is not nice to post a lot of questions with each a different name. Usually, slackers or answer moochers do that.