Determine which appliance uses the most electrical energy: a clothes dryer that operates for 30 min/day or a freezer that operates for 24h/day. Please show work

There is not enough data. Are each appliance energy efficient or not?

However, you should be aware that the freezer changes in the amount of energy it uses. It uses more energy, once the temperature gets above a specific amount. That point will vary, depending on how much is in the freezer, whether it is already frozen, how many times a day the freezer is opened and how long it is open.

To determine which appliance uses the most electrical energy, we need to calculate the amount of energy consumed by each appliance over a specified period of time. Energy consumption is usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Let's start with the clothes dryer:

The clothes dryer operates for 30 minutes per day, so we need to convert this time to hours:

30 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 0.5 hours

To determine the energy consumed by the clothes dryer, we need to know its power rating. Let's assume that the dryer has a power rating of 2.5 kilowatts (kW).

Now we can calculate the energy consumption of the clothes dryer per day:

Energy consumption = Power rating × Time

Energy consumption = 2.5 kW × 0.5 hours = 1.25 kWh

Now let's move on to the freezer:

The freezer operates for 24 hours per day, so no time conversion is needed.

Assuming the freezer has a power rating of 0.5 kW, we can calculate its energy consumption per day:

Energy consumption = Power rating × Time

Energy consumption = 0.5 kW × 24 hours = 12 kWh

Comparing the energy consumption of the clothes dryer and the freezer, we find that the freezer consumes more electrical energy. The freezer consumes 12 kWh per day, while the clothes dryer consumes only 1.25 kWh per day.

Therefore, the freezer uses the most electrical energy in this scenario.