hy is it possible to find the sum of the angle meanures of an n-gon using the formula (180n-360)??

To understand why the formula (180n - 360) can be used to find the sum of the angle measures of an n-gon, let's break it down step by step.

1. The sum of the angle measures in a triangle is always 180 degrees. This is a well-known fact in geometry.

2. Now, let's consider a regular polygon. A regular polygon has all sides and angles equal. For example, a regular triangle (equilateral triangle) has all angles measuring 60 degrees.

3. For a regular n-gon, where n represents the number of sides, we can divide the polygon into n equal triangles. Each of these triangles has an angle measure of 180/n degrees. This is because the sum of all angles in each triangle is 180 degrees.

4. If we consider the total angle measures of all n triangles in the n-gon, we can calculate the sum by multiplying the angle measure of each triangle (180/n degrees) by the number of triangles (n). This results in (180/n * n) degrees, which simplifies to 180 degrees.

5. However, this calculation considers the interior angles only, not the sum of all angles. In an n-gon, there are n-2 interior angles. So, to find the sum of all angles in an n-gon, we need to add the external angles (2 angles at each vertex) to the sum of the interior angles.

6. Each exterior angle can be calculated by subtracting the corresponding interior angle from 180 degrees. Therefore, each exterior angle measures 180 degrees minus (180/n) degrees, which simplifies to 180(1 - 1/n) degrees.

7. To find the total sum of angles in an n-gon, we need to multiply the number of vertices (n) by the measure of each external angle (180(1 - 1/n) degrees). This gives us n * 180(1 - 1/n), which simplifies to 180n - 180, or equivalently, 180n - 360 degrees.

So, the formula (180n - 360) represents the sum of all angles in an n-gon, considering both the interior and exterior angles.