a student said that all squares are rectangles, but not all squares are rhombuses.What was the error??

not all squares are rhombuses? No square is a rhombus.


There not rectangles!

i don't get it

yes, Haley, squares are rectangles.

all rhombuses don't have right angles

The error in the student's statement is that all squares are indeed rectangles, but they are also rhombuses. This means that all squares can be classified as both rectangles and rhombuses.

To understand this, let's review the definitions of these geometric shapes:

1. Rectangle: A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles (90-degree angles).

2. Square: A square is a special type of rectangle where all four sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles (90-degree angles).

3. Rhombus: A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length.

Based on these definitions, we can see that all squares meet the criteria to be classified as rectangles since they have four right angles. Additionally, because all four sides of a square are equal in length, they also meet the criteria to be classified as rhombuses.

Therefore, the correct statement would be: "All squares are rectangles and rhombuses."