Thank you very much for your corrections. Here are some more sentences I need to check.Thank you.

1)The Renaissance derived from the medieval background a general conception of order. The universal order was conceived in the forms of a chain of being and a cosmic dance.
2)The chain stretched from God to the lowest of inanimate objects. With his double nature of matter and spirit man had the unique function of linking together all creation, especially in the conflict between the passions and reason.
3)The idea of a cosmic dance was connected to the notion that the created universe was in a state of perpetual dance.
4)The whole universe was governed by God’s will; Nature was God’s instrument and the social hierarchy a product of nature. The monarch became the symbol of stability and unity.
5)In England the Reformation checked the spread of Humanism and delayed the Renaissance until the 16th century.
6)There is in fact a long interval between Italian and English Renaissance. Copernicus proved that the sun was at the centre with the earth and the other planets moving around it.
7)Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and took their wealth; the social charities such as schools and hospitals for the poor almost disappeared.

1) The sentence is grammatically correct. However, to understand the meaning of the sentence and verify its accuracy, you can follow these steps:

- Start by understanding what the Renaissance is. The Renaissance was a period in European history that spanned from the 14th to the 17th century. It marked a transition from the medieval period to the early modern era and was characterized by great cultural and intellectual advancements.
- Next, consider the phrase "medieval background." The medieval period refers to the Middle Ages, which preceded the Renaissance.
- Now, focus on the concept of order. In the context of this sentence, order refers to an organized and structured system.
- Finally, analyze the two specific aspects mentioned: the chain of being and the cosmic dance. The chain of being represents a hierarchical structure in which each being or entity has its place in the overall order of the universe. The cosmic dance refers to the notion that the created universe is constantly in motion.

By understanding these concepts, you can verify whether the sentence accurately describes the Renaissance's derivation from the medieval background's general conception of order.

2) To check this sentence, you can follow the steps below:

- Begin by understanding the phrase "chain stretched from God to the lowest of inanimate objects." This refers to the hierarchical chain of being mentioned in the previous sentence. It suggests that the order extends from the highest spiritual being (God) to the lowest inanimate objects.
- Consider the phrase "double nature of matter and spirit." This indicates that humans possess both physical and spiritual aspects.
- Next, analyze the function of humans in linking together all creation. This means that humans have a unique role in connecting different elements of the universe, particularly in the conflict between emotions (passions) and rationality (reason).

By comprehending these points, you can ensure the accuracy of the sentence in describing the unique function and nature of humans in the context of the Renaissance.

3) The sentence appears to be correct grammatically. To understand and verify the accuracy of the sentence:

- Start by comprehending the phrase "cosmic dance." In this context, it refers to the idea that the created universe is in a perpetual state of motion and change.
- Recognize that this cosmic dance concept is closely associated with the belief that the universe is continually evolving and dynamic.

By understanding these concepts, you can confirm whether the sentence accurately describes the connection between the idea of a cosmic dance and the perpetual state of the created universe.

4) The sentence is grammatically correct. To check the accuracy:

- Begin by understanding the concepts mentioned: God's will, Nature as God's instrument, and the social hierarchy being a product of nature.
- Recognize that the sentence states that God's will governs the whole universe. This means that God's authority and intentions influence all aspects of creation.
- Understand that Nature, in this context, is seen as a tool or instrument through which God's will is implemented.
- Finally, consider the claim that the social hierarchy is a product of nature. This suggests that the hierarchical order within society is inherently influenced by the natural order established by God.

By understanding these concepts, you can verify whether the sentence accurately describes the relationship between God's will, Nature, and the social hierarchy in the Renaissance period.

5) The sentence is grammatically correct. To check the accuracy:

- Begin by understanding the Reformation. The Reformation was a 16th-century movement, led by Martin Luther and other reformers, that sought to reform the Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant branches.
- Recognize that Humanism is an intellectual and cultural movement that placed emphasis on human achievements, potential, and capabilities, rather than focusing solely on religious doctrines.
- Understand that the sentence claims that the Reformation slowed down the spread of Humanism and delayed the Renaissance in England until the 16th century.

By understanding these concepts, you can confirm whether the sentence accurately describes the impact of the Reformation on Humanism and the timing of the Renaissance in England.

6) The sentence is grammatically correct. To verify its accuracy:

- Start by understanding who Copernicus was. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who developed the heliocentric model of the solar system, with the sun at the center and the planets, including Earth, moving around it.
- Recognize that the sentence claims there was a substantial time gap between the Italian and English Renaissance.
- Understand that Copernicus's discovery challenged the prevalent geocentric model, which positioned Earth as the center of the universe. This scientific breakthrough had significant implications for the understanding of the cosmos and may have influenced the timing of the Renaissance in different regions.

By understanding these concepts, you can verify whether the sentence accurately describes the chronological gap between the Italian and English Renaissance and the potential influence of Copernicus's discoveries.

7) The sentence is grammatically correct. To check the accuracy:

- Understand the historical context of Henry VIII. Henry VIII was a famous English monarch who ruled during the 16th century and played a significant role in the English Reformation.
- Recognize that the sentence claims Henry VIII dissolved monasteries and seized their wealth.
- Finally, acknowledge the claim that social charities, such as schools and hospitals for the poor, almost disappeared as a result of these actions.

By understanding these concepts, you can verify whether the sentence accurately describes Henry VIII's actions and their impact on social charities during the English Reformation.