i'm having trouble with converting fractions to decimals, and determing leaqst to greatest and vice versa. I have a problem that ask to order ther fractions and decimals from greatest to least: 0.75, 7/10, 1/7 ?

Order then by converting all to decimals.

7/10 is 0.700 and 1/7 = 0.1427..

To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.

7/10 = 0.70
1/7 = 0.14

Now think of these as money. 0.75 = 75 cents.

If you post your answer, we'll be glad to check it for you.

order these fraction from least to greatest 3/4,-2/3,7/10,-5/6

To order fractions and decimals from greatest to least, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the given fractions to decimals.
2. Compare the decimals and the given decimals.
3. Arrange them in descending order.

Let's start with your example:

Step 1: Converting fractions to decimals
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).

Converting 7/10 to a decimal:
Divide 7 by 10: 7 ÷ 10 = 0.7

Converting 1/7 to a decimal:
Divide 1 by 7: 1 ÷ 7 ≈ 0.142857 (rounded to six decimal places)

Step 2: Comparing the decimals
Now that we have the decimals, compare them with the given decimal, 0.75.

0.7 < 0.75 < 0.142857

Step 3: Arranging in descending order
Arrange the fractions and decimals in descending order:

0.75, 7/10, 1/7

Therefore, the order from greatest to least is: 0.75, 7/10, 1/7.

Remember to convert the fractions to decimals first and then compare them.