Your machine has been repaired,and it
will be returned to you today.

1.Both clauses are in active voice
2.Both clauses are in passive voice
3.The first clause is active,the second
clause is passive
4.The first clause is passive,the second
clause is active.

Would the answer be (B)both clauses are in passive voice?

Remember this rule:
A form of "to be" + past participle = passive voice

has been + repaired = passive
will be + returned = passive

Both clauses are passive. The subject of the clause (machine/it) is acted upon, but does not act perform the action.

(A confession: I had to review the topic myself before answering)

Yes, that is correct. The answer is (B) both clauses are in passive voice. In the given sentence, both clauses have a form of "to be" followed by a past participle, which indicates passive voice. The first clause "has been repaired" is passive because the subject "machine" is being acted upon (i.e., it is being repaired). Similarly, the second clause "will be returned" is also passive because the subject "it" is being acted upon (i.e., it will be returned to you). Remember that in passive voice, the subject of the clause is acted upon rather than performing the action itself.