Imagine you have a meeting with the CEO and other high ranking officers of a company that invests in distance learning start-ups. Your objective is to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that you would like to start. Fortunately, you have a mentor to whom you can turn for help.

Using a business-like tone and format, compose a 2-3 page letter (Word Document) that would be suitable to send as an email to this mentor. Address the following so that your mentor can be of assistance to you:

Analyze the audience (be creative and imagine who the CEO and other officers are).
This means answering the questions: What would be important to this type of audience? What would they be most interested in learning from you? Or, per page 5 in the Munter book, answering the questions: Who are they? What do they know and expect? What do they feel?
State the objectives for your presentation.
This is addressed on p. 14 of the Munter book and includes answering "As a result of my presentation the audience will..." and "identifying exactly what you want your audience to do, say or know as a result of your talk." (p. 14)
List topics that will be covered in the presentation
Select a medium for your presentation to the CEO and explain why you chose it.
Mediums of communication are described in detail on pps. 17-19 of the Munter book.
Determine the image you wish to portray at this presentation and provide details on how you will project this image and what could help you do this.
How do you want to come across to the CEO and high ranking officers? What image do you think will impress them, and how specifically can you project this image? (Hint: what kind of clothes, vocabulary, speaking style, and delivery tools will help you project this image.)

Clothes never impressed me, however, they impress some. Speaking clearly to the point...a minimal amount of humor helps...with a wrap up of clear choices or outcomes.
Delivery tools: visual helps, especially those that can be easily understood. Your key visuals need to be on a chart that some can study later.
The medium will depend on how long you have, but never waste time, and never take more time than you need. 15 min is a good target for the presentation and questions.
In the presentation you need to focus on what good the loan will do: for the company, society, community, not for you. You need to focus on how the loan proceeds will multiply tangibly and repay itself. Identify risk factors, if you ignore them, the audience will not trust you.

The opening of a presentation is very crucial; it sets the tone for the rest of the presentation. What are some ways, according to Munter, to prepare an effective opening? Give an example where you have witnessed either an effective opening or one that was not effective and why.

Imagine you have a meeting with the CEO and other high ranking officers of a company that invests in distance learning start-ups. Your objective is to obtain a loan for a distance learning company that you would like to start. Fortunately, you have a mentor to whom you can turn for help.

Using a business-like tone and format, compose a 2-3 page letter (Word Document) that would be suitable to send as an email to this mentor. Address the following so that your mentor can be of assistance to you:

obtain a loan for a distance learning company

Hello, I have this assignment too, and I don't even know if i received the Munter book. I just searched for "opening of a presentation Munter", and some stuff popped up...check that out!:) Good luck!

Subject: Seeking Guidance for an Important Meeting with High-Ranking Officers

Dear [Mentor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your guidance and assistance for an upcoming meeting with the CEO and other high-ranking officers of a prominent company that invests in distance learning start-ups. My objective for this meeting is to secure a loan for a distance learning company that I aspire to establish.

To ensure a successful presentation, I have analyzed the audience, set clear objectives, determined the presentation topics, and selected a suitable medium. Additionally, I have focused on the image I wish to portray during the meeting. I believe your expertise and guidance will be invaluable in refining my approach further.

1. Audience Analysis:
The CEO and other officers have a deep understanding of the distance learning industry and are primarily interested in the financial viability, scalability, and societal impact of potential investments. They expect a thorough assessment of market trends, revenue potential, and a comprehensive plan to mitigate any associated risks.

2. Presentation Objectives:
As a result of my presentation, the audience will:
- Gain a clear understanding of the proposed distance learning company's objectives, target market, and competitive advantage.
- Recognize the economic benefits and positive societal impact that investment in distance learning can generate.
- Be convinced of the feasibility and profitability of the proposed business model.
- Make a favorable decision regarding the loan request.

3. Topics to be Covered:
During the presentation, I plan to cover the following key topics:
- Introduction and brief background of the distance learning industry
- Market analysis, growth projections, and potential risks
- Detailed business plan, including revenue streams, cost structure, and projected financials
- Competitive analysis and unique selling proposition
- Potential societal impact, focusing on educational accessibility and inclusivity
- Mitigation strategies for identified risks
- Summary of loan utilization and expected return on investment

4. Medium Selection:
Given the time constraints of the meeting, I have chosen a visual presentation using PowerPoint slides as the medium of communication. This medium will allow me to present information concisely and support key points with visual aids such as charts, graphs, and illustrations. I plan to deliver a 15-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

5. Desired Image and Projection:
To come across as professional and competent, I aim to project a confident and articulate demeanor throughout the presentation. I will dress in business attire to reflect the seriousness and professionalism of this meeting. Additionally, I will use clear and concise language, aligning my vocabulary with the industry and maintaining a respectful tone. To enhance engagement and understanding, I will incorporate appropriate humor sparingly. Visual aids and clear frameworks will aid in facilitating comprehension and maintaining interest.

Furthermore, I understand the importance of a compelling opening. As described by Munter, an effective opening sets the tone for the rest of the presentation. To prepare an impactful opening, I will consider starting with a relevant and attention-grabbing anecdote or thought-provoking statistic. This will immediately engage the audience and establish a connection between the topic and their interests.

Regarding your request for an example of an opening, I recently attended a conference where a speaker began by explaining how his passion for education led him to explore the possibilities of distance learning. He shared a personal story of a disadvantaged student whose life was transformed through online education. This opening effectively captured the audience's attention, appealed to their emotions, and immediately established the significance of the topic.

Thank you for considering my request for guidance in preparing for this crucial meeting. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my approach further.

Best regards,

[Your Name]