If y=35+0.8x gives the distance of the sports car from Flint after x minutes.

find the following
a. How far is the sports car from Flint after 25 minutes?

b.How long will it take until the sports car is 75 miles from Flint? Show how to find the solution using two different methods.

For a, you are given the number of minutes, which is represented by x. Simply substitute your value of x (25) into the equation (y=35+0.8x) to find the value of y, which is the distance of the sports car from Flint.

For b, you are given the distance of the sports car from Flint, which is represented by y. Substitute your value of y (75) into the equation to find the value of x, which is the minutes.

I hope that helps (: Try solving it, and if you have more troubles, reply again.

Need second method

To find the distance of the sports car from Flint after a given time or the time it will take for the car to reach a certain distance, we can substitute the given values into the equation y = 35 + 0.8x.

a. To find the distance after 25 minutes, we substitute x = 25 into the equation:
y = 35 + 0.8(25)
y = 35 + 20
y = 55

Therefore, the sports car is 55 miles from Flint after 25 minutes.

b. To find how long it will take for the sports car to reach 75 miles from Flint, we can set up the equation and solve for x using two different methods:

Method 1: By substitution

We substitute y = 75 into the equation and solve for x:

75 = 35 + 0.8x
40 = 0.8x
x = 50

Therefore, it will take 50 minutes for the sports car to be 75 miles from Flint.

Method 2: By rearranging the equation

We can rearrange the equation y = 35 + 0.8x to solve for x:

y - 35 = 0.8x
0.8x = y - 35
x = (y - 35) / 0.8

Substituting y = 75 into the equation:
x = (75 - 35) / 0.8
x = 40 / 0.8
x = 50

Again, we find that it will take 50 minutes for the sports car to be 75 miles from Flint.