Find the circle circumference and circle area with a circles radius 10 inches

I think the circles are is 314 but don't know the circumference.


C = pi * d

C = 3.14 * 20
C = ?

You're right about the area -- 314 square inches.


3 in

a circular mat has a circumstance of 220 centimeters . find the radius rounded to the nearest whole number.

To find the circumference and area of a circle, you need to use the formulas:

Circumference (C) = 2πr
Area (A) = πr^2

Given that the radius of the circle is 10 inches, we can substitute this value into the formulas.

Circumference = 2π(10) ≈ 62.83 inches

To find the area:

Area = π(10^2) ≈ 314.16 square inches

So, the circumference of the circle with a radius of 10 inches is approximately 62.83 inches, and the area is approximately 314.16 square inches.