I need 10 sens. translated to french..

1. how are you today
2. very well how about you
3. i love you
4. nice to meet you
5. i am so bored
6. I love to play gymnasics but hate to play soccor
7. What are up up 2?
8. Im so happy
9. Why are you so mad
10. Yes

We don't do homework.

If you post your translations, someone will check them.

If you were not studying French, you would not have this homework. We HELP after you DO what you can.

Sra (aka Mme)

To translate the given sentences from English to French, you can use various tools and resources available online. One popular option is using online translation platforms such as Google Translate or DeepL. Here's how you can use it:

1. "How are you today?"
- French: "Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?"

2. "Very well, how about you?"
- French: "Très bien, et vous?"

3. "I love you."
- French: "Je t'aime."

4. "Nice to meet you."
- French: "Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance."

5. "I am so bored."
- French: "Je m'ennuie tellement."

6. "I love to play gymnastics but hate to play soccer."
- French: "J'adore jouer à la gymnastique mais je déteste jouer au football."

7. "What are up up 2?"
- This sentence seems to have a typo ("up up" instead of "up to"), so it could be translated as "Que fais-tu ?" or "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?"

8. "I'm so happy."
- French: "Je suis tellement heureux/heureuse."

9. "Why are you so mad?"
- French: "Pourquoi es-tu si en colère ?"

10. "Yes."
- French: "Oui."

Remember, while online translation tools can be helpful, they may not always provide the most accurate translations. It is always recommended to consult a native speaker or language expert for precise translations and nuanced expressions.