How to find average speed with a given initial speed, theta, and delta x?

I know average speed= total distance/total time, but I am given an initial speed, an angle and delta x.

Mark throws a ball to Daniel with an initial speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 45 degrees. If they are initially 55 m apart, calculate the average speed Daniel has to run to catch the ball.

the answer is: 4.9 m/s

but how would I go about solving this?? Help, I'm stuck.

To calculate the average speed Daniel has to run to catch the ball, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Break the initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components.
- The initial speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 45 degrees can be broken down into two components: the horizontal component and the vertical component.
- The horizontal component (Vx) is given by V * cos(theta), where V is the initial speed and theta is the angle.
- The vertical component (Vy) is given by V * sin(theta), where V is the initial speed and theta is the angle.

Step 2: Calculate the time it takes for the ball to reach Daniel.
- Use the vertical component of the velocity (Vy) and the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2) to calculate the time it takes for the ball to reach its maximum height and fall back to Daniel's height.
- The time for the ball to reach its maximum height will be Vy divided by the acceleration due to gravity: t = Vy / (-9.8).
- The total time for the ball to reach Daniel will be twice the time to reach the maximum height: total time = 2t.

Step 3: Calculate the horizontal distance Daniel needs to cover.
- Use the horizontal component of the velocity (Vx) and the time calculated in Step 2 to calculate the horizontal distance (delta x) the ball travels: delta x = Vx * t.

Step 4: Calculate the average speed.
- The average speed is given by total distance divided by total time.
- The total distance is the initial distance (55 m) plus the horizontal distance (delta x) traveled by the ball: total distance = 55 + delta x.
- The average speed is then (55 + delta x) / total time.

Step 5: Substitute the known values and solve for the average speed.
- Substitute the given values: initial speed (V = 20 m/s), angle (theta = 45 degrees), initial distance (55 m), and acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s^2).
- Calculate Vx = V * cos(theta) and Vy = V * sin(theta).
- Calculate t = Vy / (-9.8) and delta x = Vx * t.
- Substitute the values into the average speed equation: average speed = (55 + delta x) / total time.

After completing these steps and substituting the known values, you should find that the average speed Daniel has to run to catch the ball is 4.9 m/s.

To calculate the average speed Daniel has to run to catch the ball, you need to find the total distance he has to cover and the total time it takes for the ball to reach Daniel.

Here's how you can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the horizontal distance the ball travels (delta x) using the initial speed and the angle.
- The horizontal speed can be found using the initial speed and the angle:
horizontal speed = initial speed * cos(theta)
- Now, multiply the horizontal speed by the time it takes for the ball to reach Daniel (which is the same as the time of flight of the projectile).
delta x = horizontal speed * time

Step 2: Calculate the time of flight of the projectile.
- The time of flight can be found using the initial speed and the angle of projection:
time = (2 * initial speed * sin(theta)) / g
(where g is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

Step 3: Calculate the total distance Mark and Daniel are apart initially.
- Given in the problem, Mark and Daniel are initially 55 m apart.

Step 4: Calculate the total distance Daniel has to cover.
- The total distance Daniel has to cover is the sum of the initial distance and the horizontal distance the ball travels:
total distance = initial distance + delta x

Step 5: Calculate the average speed by dividing the total distance by the total time:
- average speed = total distance / total time

Now let's put these steps into action:

Step 1: Calculate delta x
horizontal speed = 20 m/s * cos(45 degrees) = 20 m/s * 0.7071 = 14.142 m/s
delta x = 14.142 m/s * time

Step 2: Calculate the time of flight
time = (2 * 20 m/s * sin(45 degrees)) / 9.8 m/s^2 ≈ 2.0412 s

Step 3: Given initial distance = 55 m (from the problem)

Step 4: Calculate the total distance
total distance = initial distance + delta x = 55 m + (14.142 m/s * 2.0412 s) = 55 m + 28.855 m ≈ 83.855 m

Step 5: Calculate the average speed
average speed = total distance / total time = 83.855 m / 2.0412 s ≈ 41.074 m/s

Therefore, the average speed Daniel has to run to catch the ball is approximately 41.074 m/s.

Note: The given answer of 4.9 m/s seems incorrect based on the information given in the problem.

Use the vertical component to find time in air.

Hf=hi+Viy*t-1/2 g t^2

t= 20sin45/4.9 and that is time in air.

avg velocity= horizontal distance/time
= 55m/t