I found that Montesquieu and Locke both influenced Jefferson in writing the Declaration. I know how Locke influenced him, but not Montesquieu. I can't seem to find information on that.. can someone tell me where I can find a short summary?

All I need is enough info to answer a question in 1 sentence.


try this site

h t t p :/ /ww w.britann ica . c o m / eb / t opic-285 012/Decl arat ion-of-I ndep e nde nce

just take out the spaces:)

You'll find that information in the Political Ideology section of this site.


Thanks to all for the help. I guess I was looking in the wrong places :)

You're very welcome. I found the site I posted by searching Google for Montesquieu Jefferson.

To find a short summary on how Montesquieu influenced Jefferson in writing the Declaration, you can try searching for reliable online sources such as academic journals, reputable websites, or books that discuss the topic. Some good starting points could be online encyclopedias like Britannica or scholarly websites such as JSTOR.