can someone check my answers please

-3/5 +(8/35) = -13/35

find the reciprocal of 1/3 (9-4)= 5/3

subtract 7/9-(-13/18)=3/2

find the reciprocal of -1/9(-9-3)=4/3

the first three are correct.

If the last is this:
-1/9 * (-12/1), then the reciprocal is

9/12 or 3/4

thank u

Sure, let's check your answers step by step:

1. To add -3/5 and 8/35:
- We need to find a common denominator, which is 35:
-3/5 = -21/35
8/35 = 8/35
- Now we can add them:
-21/35 + 8/35 = -13/35

So, your answer of -13/35 for the addition is correct.

2. To find the reciprocal of 1/3(9-4):
- First, evaluate the expression inside the parentheses:
9 - 4 = 5
- Now, find the reciprocal of 1/3 multiplied by 5:
1/3 * 5 = 5/3

So, your answer of 5/3 for the reciprocal is correct.

3. To subtract 7/9 - (-13/18):
- Remember that subtracting a negative number is the same as adding its positive form:
-(-13/18) = 13/18
- Now, find a common denominator, which is 18:
7/9 = 14/18 (by multiplying both numerator and denominator by 2)
- Now subtract:
14/18 - 13/18 = 1/18

So, your answer of 1/18 for the subtraction is correct.

4. To find the reciprocal of -1/9(-9-3):
- Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses:
-9 - 3 = -12
- Now find the reciprocal of -1/9 multiplied by -12:
-1/9 * -12 = 4/3

So, your answer of 4/3 for the reciprocal is correct.

Overall, all of your answers are correct. Well done!

To check your answers, we will go through each calculation step by step:

1. Addition: -3/5 + 8/35 = ?
To add fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator is 35. Therefore, we need to convert -3/5 to have the same denominator:

-3/5 = -21/35

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can add them:

-21/35 + 8/35 = -13/35

So, -3/5 + 8/35 does equal -13/35. Your answer is correct.

2. Finding the reciprocal: 1/3 (9-4) = ?
First, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

9 - 4 = 5

Now, we multiply the simplified expression by 1/3 to find its reciprocal:

1/3 * 5 = 5/3

So, the reciprocal of 1/3 (9-4) is indeed 5/3. Your answer is correct.

3. Subtraction: 7/9 - (-13/18) = ?
When subtracting fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator is 18. Therefore, we need to convert -13/18 to have the same denominator:

-13/18 = -13/18 * (2/2) = -26/36

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them:

7/9 - (-26/36) = 7/9 + 26/36

Next, we need to find a common denominator for 7/9 and 26/36. Since 9 and 36 both divide by 9, we can use 36 as the common denominator:

7/9 + 26/36 = 28/36 + 26/36 = 54/36

To simplify, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 18:

54/36 = 54/36 ÷ 18/18 = 3/2

So, 7/9 - (-13/18) does indeed equal 3/2. Your answer is correct.

4. Finding the reciprocal: -1/9(-9-3) = ?
First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

-9 - 3 = -12

Now, we multiply the simplified expression by -1/9 to find its reciprocal:

-1/9 * -12 = 4/3

So, the reciprocal of -1/9(-9-3) is indeed 4/3. Your answer is correct.

Overall, all of your answers are correct. Keep up the good work!