So my class watch this movie called Boys Do Not Cry (Boys Don't Cry) and now i have two write a 7 page paper. I am having some difficulties trying to answer this questions Please help me giving some ideas of what i could write.

•Describe the socio-sexual development of men and women and the developmental changes that occur over the life cycle

. You will also need to consider the impact of the condition on the individual and his immediate family members in terms of how this condition may influence the psychosocial, emotional, financial, and possibly legal status of the family.

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine.

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.

Possibly these articles might help.

To address the question about the socio-sexual development of men and women and the developmental changes that occur over the life cycle, you can start by providing a brief overview of socio-sexual development in general. This typically includes the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the development of sexual identity, behaviors, and attitudes.

You can then delve into a discussion of the specific socio-sexual development portrayed in the movie "Boys Don't Cry." The movie tells the real-life story of Brandon Teena, a transgender man assigned female at birth. By analyzing Brandon's journey, you can explore the challenges he faced in developing his identity and navigating societal expectations related to sex and gender.

You can discuss how Brandon's socio-sexual development was shaped by his internal experiences, such as identifying as male despite his assigned gender, coming to terms with his sexual orientation, and exploring his masculinity. Additionally, you can analyze the external factors that influenced Brandon's development, including societal norms, peer relationships, and cultural expectations.

When discussing the developmental changes that occur over the life cycle, you can highlight significant events or milestones in Brandon's journey and examine how he adapted to these changes. This could include exploring how Brandon dealt with his teenage years, his experiences with relationships and intimacy, and his struggles with acceptance and understanding from others.

Furthermore, you should consider the impact of Brandon's condition on both himself and his immediate family members. This involves examining the psychosocial, emotional, financial, and possibly legal consequences that arise. For instance, you can discuss the challenges Brandon faced in building meaningful relationships or the discrimination he encountered due to his gender identity.

In terms of the family's perspective, you can explore how the condition influenced their understanding of sex and gender, how they coped with societal judgments and reactions, and any legal or financial burdens they may have faced. It is important to approach these topics with sensitivity, acknowledging the complexities and potential hardships experienced by both Brandon and his family.

By integrating these key elements into your paper, you can create a comprehensive analysis of the socio-sexual development portrayed in "Boys Don't Cry" and its impact on the individual as well as on their immediate family members. Remember to draw evidence and examples from the movie to support your arguments and provide a well-rounded analysis.