Find all points on the graph of f(x)=xe^x at which the tangent line is parallel to the line y-3x=4.

i figured out that f'(x)=3 but i don't know what to do with that.

Indeed, you need to equate f'(x)=3 and solve for x.

First find the slope of the line
L: y-3x=4
L: y=3x+4
slope = 3

To find f'(x), we start with f(x) and do implicit differentiation:
take ln
differentiate with respect to x:
y'/y = 1+1/x
y' = (1+1/x)y

So solve for y' = slope = 3
I get x=0.6 approx.

There should be only one root because the function y' is strictly increasing.