Tina can drive 46.8 miles on $6 worth of gasoline. Write a proportion(equation) that can be used find x the number of miles she can drive on $25 worth of gasoline.

46.8/6 = x/25

To find a proportional relationship between the number of miles Tina can drive and the amount of gasoline she has, we can establish the ratio of miles driven to the cost of gasoline.

The given information states that Tina can drive 46.8 miles on $6 worth of gasoline. This can be written as:

46.8 miles / $6 = x miles / $25

Now, let's solve for x:

Cross-multiplying the above equation, we get:

46.8 * $25 = $6 * x

1170 = $6 * x

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by $6:

1170 / $6 = x

195 = x

Therefore, the number of miles Tina can drive on $25 worth of gasoline is 195 miles.