What did the Spanish hope to do in California?

The Spanish hoped for two things: wealth and to convert the natives to Christianity.

the Spanish hoped to start missions and have wealth.

well I think they give them hope to do in California is by given them things, persuading them by

I think the Spanish wanted to do in California was, learn get to eat new foods get wealthy and find new homes to live in.

The Spanish hoped to establish control and expand their empire in California. They were driven by a number of motivations, including economic, political, and religious factors.

To find out more about the Spanish intentions in California, we can turn to historical sources such as books, articles, and documents. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to research this topic:

1. Start with a general search engine query: Begin by searching for keywords such as "Spanish in California" or "Spanish colonization of California." This will provide you with an overview of the topic and direct you to relevant sources.

2. Consult reputable historical sources: Look for scholarly books and articles written by historians who specialize in California history or Spanish colonization. Check academic databases or websites such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's digital resources.

3. Explore primary sources: Primary sources are firsthand accounts, documents, or artifacts from the time period you are researching. They can provide valuable insights into the intentions of the Spanish in California. Examples of primary sources include letters, journals, official reports, and maps. Access online archives, historical society websites, or visit libraries and museums with relevant archives to find primary sources related to Spanish activities in California.

4. Analyze reliable secondary sources: Secondary sources are written by historians who have analyzed primary sources to provide interpretations and explanations. Check for books, articles, or scholarly papers that focus specifically on the intentions and motivations of the Spanish in California. Ensure that the sources are reputable and well-cited by other historians.

5. Consider different perspectives: When studying historical events, it's important to consider multiple perspectives. Look for sources that provide various viewpoints, such as the Spanish perspective, indigenous perspectives, and the perspectives of other European powers involved in California at the time.

By following these steps and delving into reputable historical sources, you will gain insights into the Spanish intentions in California and understand the historical context behind their actions.