Which of the following shows how the Distributive Property could be used to simplify 7(28)? F 7 • 2 • 8. G 7 • (20 • 8). 7 • (20 8). J (7 • 20) 8 ...

Is there one that says 7 • (20 + 8) ?

To simplify the expression 7(28) using the Distributive Property, we can distribute the 7 to both terms within the parentheses.

The Distributive Property states that for any numbers a, b, and c:
a(b + c) = ab + ac.

So using this property, we can distribute the 7 to 28 as follows:

7(28) = 7 * (20 + 8).

This means the correct expression that shows how the Distributive Property could be used to simplify 7(28) is (J) (7 • 20) 8.