What four actions did the Congress take as it began to govern the colonies?


To find the four actions that Congress took as it began to govern the colonies, we can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, or reliable websites. One way to find this information is by searching online using keywords like "actions of Congress in governing the colonies." Government archives and academic databases can also provide valuable information. Let me find the four actions for you.

After conducting some research, I found four key actions that Congress took as it began to govern the colonies:

1. Issuance of the Declaration of Independence: On July 4, 1776, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, severing ties with Great Britain and establishing the United States as an independent nation.

2. Formation of Committees: Congress established various committees to carry out the functions of government. These included committees for foreign relations, finance, military affairs, and postal service, among others.

3. Creation of Continental Army: Congress authorized the formation of the Continental Army, which became the primary military force in the American Revolutionary War.

4. Development of Diplomatic Relations: Congress took steps to establish diplomatic relations with foreign countries, appointing envoys to seek assistance and support for the American cause. Notably, Benjamin Franklin was one of the first envoys sent to France.

These actions were crucial in shaping the early governance of the colonies and laying the groundwork for the formation of the United States as an independent nation.