on monday 86 science fiction books were sold at a book sale this is 8 more than twice the amount sold on thursday how many science fiction books were sold on thursday

2x + 8 = 86

2x = 86 - 8
2x = 78
x = 78/2
x = ?


To find out how many science fiction books were sold on Thursday, we need to follow the information given in the question.

Let's break down the information provided:
- On Monday, 86 science fiction books were sold.
- This is 8 more than twice the amount sold on Thursday.

Let's use algebra to solve this problem.

Let's say the number of books sold on Thursday is "x".

Twice the amount of books sold on Thursday is then 2x.

According to the information given, the number of books sold on Monday (86) is 8 more than twice the number sold on Thursday (2x + 8).

From this, we can set up an equation:
86 = 2x + 8

To solve for "x," we will isolate it on one side of the equation.

Subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation:
86 - 8 = 2x
78 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:
78 / 2 = 2x / 2
39 = x

Therefore, 39 science fiction books were sold on Thursday.