16over5 / 5 can you explan to me

(16/5) / 5 = (16/5) * (1/5) = 16/25

so when you * fractions you * both buttom and top all the time? and thank you

Right. When you multiply fractions you multiply the numerators and then the denominators.

and sorry but how does it becom 1/5 i thought it would be 16/5 * 5/1

When you divide fractions, you must invert the second fraction. Invert = turn upside down.

Then multiply the fractions.

ohh okay thank you soo much i know i took up a lot of you time but i got and thanks

I'm glad you got it!! We're here to help students.

And you're welcome.

Certainly! To find the answer to the expression 16/5 ÷ 5, you need to follow the order of operations or the PEMDAS rule.

1. First, perform any operations inside parentheses. However, there are no parentheses in this expression.

2. The next step is to calculate any exponents or powers. Again, there are none in this expression.

3. Moving on to multiplication and division from left to right, you have 16/5 ÷ 5.

To divide a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (top number) by the reciprocal of the denominator (bottom number). Therefore, 16/5 ÷ 5 is equivalent to (16/5) * (1/5).

Applying this rule, we get (16 * 1) / (5 * 5) = 16/25.

So, 16/5 ÷ 5 equals 16/25.