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Apparntly "drawing counters" is a kindergarten way of teaching numbers and addition. See




The pdf file that is second on the Google list has examples of drawing counters for early math teaching.

Avoid the references that help you design countertops for kitchens.

you can count everything that you like and see in your nears for example houses and flowers and peoples and children and stars in night and books and your toys and glasses and chairs and everything in your home and your kindergarten and cars and bycicles and worms in soil and all of animals for example cats and dogs and hens and mouses and your pets and generally everything that you like and see take easy please child...good luck....

I have the same issue. The homework shows to draw 6 counters in 5 boxes were provided to draw in. I do not know what the children are suppose to do with this home, teachers really should sent an example home.

Sure! To help a child count sea animals and draw counters to represent the quantities, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather pictures or toys of sea animals: Collect images of sea animals from books, magazines, or printouts. Alternatively, you can use small toys or figurines of sea animals.

2. Lay out the sea animal pictures or toys: Arrange the images or toys in a visible and accessible area. Make sure the child can easily see and reach them.

3. Guide the child to count the sea animals: Begin by asking the child to identify each sea animal one by one. Encourage them to count aloud as they go through the animals. For example, "How many fish do you see? Let's count them together. One, two, three fish!"

4. Help the child keep track: Provide the child with counters, such as small pieces of paper, coins, or any small objects like buttons or beads. Instruct them to place a counter down for each sea animal they count. It helps them visualize quantities and keeps track of the count.

5. Support the child in drawing counters: After they finish counting, guide them in drawing counters to represent the number of sea animals. For instance, if they counted four fish, encourage them to draw four small circles or dots to represent the fish.

6. Repeat for other sea animals: Let the child count and draw counters for all the sea animals they have gathered. Depending on the child's interest and age, you can also introduce concepts like grouping the counters or writing the corresponding numerals.

Remember to provide positive reinforcement and praise the child's efforts during the process. This activity promotes counting skills, visual representation of quantities, and creativity.