which formula is correctly paired with its name? 1.MgCl2 magnesium dichloride

2.N2O5 dinotrogen pentoxide
3.H20 hydrogen oxide
4.CuCl2, copper (III) chloride

please help!
i think its1 or 4

Did you make a typo on 2. Is that supposed to be dinitrogen pentoxide. 4 isn't right. CuCl2 is copper(II) chloride.

yes i made a typo for 2

Dinitrogen pentoxide is the correct name for N2O5.

I would count MgCl2 as correct if a student named it magnesium dichloride but the purists would count that wrong. Because Mg has only +2 valence; therefore, MgCl2 is the only chloride of Mg and the di for dichloride is not necessary. Magnesium chloride is the correct name for MgCl2.

To determine which formula is correctly paired with its name, we need to understand the naming conventions for compounds.

1. MgCl2 is correctly paired with magnesium dichloride. In this compound, magnesium has a charge of +2 (Mg2+), and chloride has a charge of -1 (Cl-). Since the charges must balance, it takes 2 chloride ions to balance out the charge of 1 magnesium ion.

2. N2O5 is correctly paired with dinotrogen pentoxide. In this compound, the prefix "di-" indicates that there are two nitrogen atoms, and the prefix "penta-" indicates that there are five oxygen atoms.

3. H2O is incorrectly paired with hydrogen oxide. The correct name for H2O is water.

4. CuCl2 is incorrectly paired with copper (III) chloride. The correct name for CuCl2 is copper (II) chloride. In this compound, copper has a charge of +2 (Cu2+), and chloride has a charge of -1 (Cl-). Since the charges must balance, it takes 2 chloride ions to balance out the charge of 1 copper ion.

So, the correct formula paired with its name is option 1: MgCl2 (magnesium dichloride).