I need help putting my thesis into "parallel grammatical structure".

Children should be limited on the amount of television they watch because not only is it filled with bad influences but it causes them behavior problems, and ultimately puts their health at risk.

What is another way I can write this??

Thank you!!

Parents should limit the amount of time their children spend watching television. Not only are many programs on television filled with negative influences, which can be the cause of bad behavior, but watching too much television ultimately puts children's health at risk.

(These are pretty broad claims. I hope you will be following up with very specific examples to prove the point you're making. I don't think you're wrong; I do think you need to back up your ideas with lots of examples and details.)

To put your thesis into parallel grammatical structure, you need to ensure consistent grammatical patterns within your sentence. Here's an alternative way to write your thesis using parallel structure:

Children should be limited on the amount of television they watch because it not only exposes them to bad influences, but also contributes to behavioral problems and jeopardizes their health.

In this revised version, each element (the bad influences, behavioral problems, and health risks) is introduced using parallel structure by starting with a gerund (-ing form of the verb) to maintain grammatical consistency.

Remember, achieving parallel structure is all about maintaining consistency in the grammatical patterns within a sentence or phrase. In this case, you want to make sure that the elements being listed (in this case, bad influences, behavior problems, and health risks) are introduced using the same grammatical structure.