in a menu template, when it says subhead as one of the templates, what does that mean

In a menu template, the term "subhead" refers to a section or heading that is used to categorize or group similar menu items together. It helps to organize the different dishes or sections of the menu, making it easier for the customers to navigate and find what they are looking for.

Subheads are typically used to break down the menu into logical sections such as appetizers, entrees, desserts, or even different types of cuisine. They are usually displayed in a bold or bigger font above the respective list of items.

For example, if you have a menu template with a subhead called "Beverages," you would place all the drink options like soda, juice, or cocktails below this subhead. Similarly, you may have another subhead called "Pasta" under which you list all the pasta dishes on your menu.

Remember, subheads are just a design element in the menu that helps organize the information. The actual content and categorization will depend on the type of cuisine or establishment you are creating the menu for.