a car is driving at a speed of 60 mi/h. What is the speed of the car in feet per minute?

Memorize this:


Memorize it. It saves a lot of time
forinstance, 30mi/hr then is 44ft/min
10mi/hr=88/6 ft/min

5280 ft/min

To find the speed of the car in feet per minute, we need to convert miles per hour to feet per minute.

First, let's establish the conversion factors:
1 mile = 5,280 feet
1 hour = 60 minutes

Now, we can set up the conversion calculation:

60 mi/h * (5,280 ft/1 mi) * (1 h/60 min)

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Convert miles to feet.
To convert miles to feet, we multiply the value by 5,280 (since there are 5,280 feet in a mile).

60 mi/h * 5,280 ft/1 mi * (1 h/60 min)

Step 2: Convert hours to minutes.
To convert hours to minutes, we multiply the value by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

60 mi/h * 5,280 ft/1 mi * 1 h/60 min

Step 3: Calculate the final result.
Now, we can perform the multiplication and division to get the final result:

(60 * 5,280) ft/(1 * 1 * 60) min

= 316,800 ft/60 min

= 5,280 ft/min

Therefore, the speed of the car in feet per minute is 5,280 ft/min.