find the unit rate for number of parts manufactured per hour if 1630 parts are made in 6 hours. round to the nearest integer. SHOW ALL WORK.

find the unit rate for number of parts manufactured per hour if 1630 parts are made in 6 hours. round to the nearest integer. SHOW ALL WORK.

solution. parts made in 6 hours=1630
parts made in 1 hour=x
x=272 per hour

I'll help. You're looking for the number of parts made in each hour (on average).

You'll need a type of proportion.

1630 parts / 6 hours = x parts / 1 hour
x/1 = x.
All you have to do is divide 1630 by 6 and round the answer so you don't have any numbers past the decimal point in the final answer. I think you can take it from here. Hope this helped. Peace out.

To find the unit rate for the number of parts manufactured per hour, divide the total number of parts manufactured by the total number of hours.

Step 1: Total number of parts manufactured = 1630
Step 2: Total number of hours = 6

Unit rate = Total number of parts manufactured / Total number of hours
Unit rate = 1630 / 6
Unit rate = 271.666...

To round to the nearest integer, we need to compare the decimal portion, which is 0.666..., to 0.5.

Since 0.666... is greater than 0.5, we round up, making the unit rate approximately 272 parts manufactured per hour.

Therefore, the unit rate for the number of parts manufactured per hour is 272.

To find the unit rate for the number of parts manufactured per hour, you need to divide the total number of parts by the total number of hours.

The given information in this question is:
Total number of parts = 1630 parts
Total number of hours = 6 hours

To find the unit rate, follow these steps:
1. Divide the total number of parts by the total number of hours:
Unit rate = Total number of parts / Total number of hours

Substituting the given values:
Unit rate = 1630 parts / 6 hours

2. Perform the division:
Unit rate = 271.66666667 parts/hour (not rounded)

To round this unit rate to the nearest integer, follow these steps:
1. Look at the decimal part of the unit rate. In this case, it is 0.66666667.

2. If the decimal part is less than 0.5, round down. If it is 0.5 or greater, round up.

In our case, the decimal part is 0.66666667, which is more than 0.5.

3. Round the unit rate up to the nearest integer:
Rounded unit rate = 272 parts/hour

So, the unit rate for the number of parts manufactured per hour is 272 parts/hour.