The tub of a washer goes into its spin-dry cycle, starting from rest and reaching an angular speed of 6.0 rev/s in 12.0 s. At this point the person doing the laundry opens the lid, and a safety switch turns off the washer. The tub slows to rest in 11.0 s. Through how many revolutions does the tub turn during this 23 s interval? Assume constant angular acceleration while it is starting and stopping in revolutions.

The average velocity during slowdown is 3rev/s

during spinup, it goes: 3rev/sec*12 sec
during slowdown, it goes:3rev/sec*11sec

To find the number of revolutions the tub turns during the 23 s interval, we need to calculate the angular displacement during the different phases of motion.

1. Finding angular displacement during acceleration phase:
Initial angular speed (ω₁) = 0 rev/s
Final angular speed (ω₂) = 6.0 rev/s
Time (t₁) = 12.0 s

Using the equation for angular acceleration:

ω₂ = ω₁ + αt₁

Rearranging the equation:

α = (ω₂ - ω₁) / t₁

α = (6.0 - 0) / 12.0
α = 0.5 rev/s²

Now, using the equation for angular displacement during constant acceleration:

θ₁ = ω₁t₁ + 0.5αt₁²

θ₁ = 0(12.0) + 0.5(0.5)(12.0)²
θ₁ = 36.0 rev

The tub turns 36.0 revolutions during the acceleration phase.

2. Finding angular displacement during deceleration phase:
Initial angular speed (ω₃) = 6.0 rev/s
Final angular speed (ω₄) = 0 rev/s
Time (t₂) = 11.0 s

Using the same equation for angular displacement during constant acceleration:

θ₂ = ω₃t₂ - 0.5αt₂²

θ₂ = 6.0(11.0) - 0.5(0.5)(11.0)²
θ₂ = 66.0 - 33.0
θ₂ = 33.0 rev

The tub turns 33.0 revolutions during the deceleration phase.

3. Finding total angular displacement:
Total angular displacement (θ) = θ₁ + θ₂

θ = 36.0 + 33.0
θ = 69.0 rev

Therefore, the tub of the washer turns 69.0 revolutions during the 23 s interval.

To find the number of revolutions the tub turns during the 23 s interval, we need to calculate the angular displacement during each phase (accelerating and decelerating) and then sum them up.

1. Accelerating Phase:
Initial angular speed, ω1 = 0 rev/s
Final angular speed, ω2 = 6.0 rev/s
Time, t1 = 12.0 s

We can use the formula for angular acceleration:

ω2 = ω1 + α * t1

Solving for α:

6.0 rev/s = 0 rev/s + α * 12.0 s
α = (6.0 rev/s) / (12.0 s)
α = 0.5 rev/s^2

Now, we can calculate the angular displacement using the formula:

θ1 = ω1 * t1 + (1/2) * α * t1^2

θ1 = 0 rev/s * 12.0 s + (1/2) * 0.5 rev/s^2 * (12.0 s)^2

θ1 = 0 + 0.5 rev/s^2 * 144.0 s^2
θ1 = 72.0 rev

2. Decelerating Phase:
Initial angular speed, ω3 = 6.0 rev/s
Final angular speed, ω4 = 0 rev/s
Time, t2 = 11.0 s

Using the same formula for angular acceleration:

ω4 = ω3 + α * t2

0 rev/s = 6.0 rev/s + α * 11.0 s
α = (-6.0 rev/s) / (11.0 s)
α = -0.5455 rev/s^2

Calculating the angular displacement:

θ2 = ω3 * t2 + (1/2) * α * t2^2

θ2 = 6.0 rev/s * 11.0 s + (1/2) * (-0.5455 rev/s^2) * (11.0 s)^2

θ2 = 66.0 rev + (-0.2728 rev/s^2) * 121.0 s^2
θ2 = 66.0 rev - 33.0132 rev
θ2 = 32.9868 rev

Adding the angular displacements for both phases:

Total angular displacement = θ1 + θ2
Total angular displacement = 72.0 rev + 32.9868 rev
Total angular displacement = 104.9868 rev

Therefore, the tub turns approximately 104.9868 revolutions during the 23 s interval.