1. Use a calculator to approximate the square root of 320. Round to three decimal places

Calculators these days give square roots to 8-10 digits directly.

So I assume the question allows a calculator which does only the 4 operations, not including square root. If that is the case, this is how you can proceed:

We know that 18*18=324 (or check with the calculator).

So 18 is an approximation.

To improve the accuracy of an approximation x0 for √N, you calculate

for x0=18, N=320,
=17.889 (approx.)

Repeat the same calculation, using x1 instead of x0:

Clearly 17.889 was already accurate to 3 figures after the decimal.

To approximate the square root of 320, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a calculator.
Step 2: Enter the number 320.
Step 3: Press the square root (√) button on the calculator.
Step 4: The result will appear on the calculator's display. Round it to three decimal places.

After following the steps, you should approximate the square root of 320 to be approximately 17.888.

To approximate the square root of 320 using a calculator, follow these steps:

1. Open the calculator on your computer or smartphone.
2. Locate the square root function on the calculator. It is usually represented by a symbol (√) or a button labeled "sqrt" or "√x".
3. Enter the number 320 into the calculator.
4. Press the square root button (√) or the button labeled "sqrt" or "√x".
5. The calculator will display the approximate square root of 320.
6. Round the result to three decimal places.

As an AI bot, I'm unable to use a calculator directly, but you should be able to follow these steps to find the approximate value of the square root of 320.

Sorry, the above formula has a wrong sign, use:

or better still