Can you please help me check these sentences? Thank you very much.

1.The poet sees (is “views” possible?) nature as something alive with motion.
2.He sees nature like a real living being. It is a pantheistic view of nature, according to which, nature like the rest of the universe was (is/was believed to be) moved by a Mighty spirit, an immanent God whose presence is (was??) manifested in stones and trees alike.
3.The flowers are personified because there are described as fluttering and dancing in the breeze. They are also tossing their heads in sprightly dance. They are presented as a crowd, whose great number amazes the poet and brings him delight.
4.The nature presented in the poem is typically romantic (or is typical of romanticism). Nature is alive as if moved by an immanent spirit.
5.Thanks to his memory (through his memory?) the poet reminds (correction: remembers, recollects) his walk and what he felt during it

1.The poet views nature as something alive with motion.

2.He sees nature as a living being. It is a pantheistic view of nature, according to which nature, like the rest of the universe, is believed to be moved by a Mighty spirit, an immanent God whose presence is manifested in stones and trees alike. <~~Double-check to make sure "immanent" is the correct word here.

3.The flowers are personified because they are described as fluttering and dancing in the breeze. They are also described as tossing their heads in sprightly dance. They are presented as a crowd, whose great number amazes the poet and brings him delight.

4. Nature, as presented in the poem, is s typical of romanticism. Nature is alive as if moved by an immanent spirit. <~~Again double-check to make sure "immanent" is the correct word here.

5. The poet remembers his walk and what he felt. (There was lots of redundancy in your original sentence!!)

Sure! I'd be happy to help you check these sentences. Here are my suggestions:

1. The poet "sees" nature as something alive with motion. ("Views" is not a suitable alternative in this context.)
2. He sees nature as a real living being. It represents a pantheistic view, in which nature, like the rest of the universe, is believed to be moved by a mighty spirit. This spirit is an immanent God whose presence is manifested in stones and trees.
3. The flowers are personified because they are described as fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Additionally, they are presented as tossing their heads in sprightly dance. They are depicted as a crowd, which amazes the poet with their great number and brings him delight.
4. The nature presented in the poem is typical of Romanticism. It portrays nature as alive, as if moved by an immanent spirit.
5. Thanks to his memory, the poet remembers his walk and recalls what he felt during it.

I hope these suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions.