Would you please check these questions

and my answers? If I am wrong, please
let me know.

1. During a visit by her Ghanaian
grandmother,Shermeka learned how
to make African cornbread.
While Grandmother silently showed
Shermeka how to prepare the
ingredients,Shermeka silently
watched and helped her stir the
mixture. This experience did NOT
enhance critical literacy skills
Shermeka will need because it:

A)was a shared social experience

B)evolved through mutual understanding
of what was present and visible

C)lacked referential language

D)was an action-based exchange that
negated attention to the obvious

2. During a class fingerpainting
activity,Doresha appeared perplexed
by the teacher's question,
"What are you doing, Doresha?"
Doresha did not respond quickly
or with ease. Which one of the
following could NOT be a reason
why this eventcast posed a concern
for her?

A) Doresha is from a mainstream

B) Describing an action is not
practiced in her home or by
her friends.

C) Asking someone to explain an
action the questioner is witnessing
is considered disrespectful.

D) The use of language for labeling
an event or something obvious is
unusual in most cultures.

Here are my answers:

1. (C) lacked referential language

2. (B) Describing an action is not
practiced in her home or by
her friends.

I am not real sure that (B) is the best answer for the second question.

I know eventcasts are a type of narrative, typical in mainstream cultures but very unusual in nonmainstream families.

Please help,and let me know if you think my answers are correct!


1 - C and 2 - B are my choices, too. I think you're right.


Question 1:

To determine the correct answer for this question, we need to understand what critical literacy skills are and how the given experience may or may not enhance them.

Critical literacy skills involve the ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate texts and experiences in order to understand social, cultural, and political contexts. It requires being able to critically engage with and question the information presented.

Looking at the options provided:

A) Shared social experiences can contribute to critical literacy skills as they provide opportunities for dialogue, perspective-taking, and understanding the social context.

B) Mutual understanding of what was present and visible may also enhance critical literacy skills, as it involves interpreting and making meaning from the situation.

C) Lacking referential language means the experience did not involve explicit language or vocabulary that directly refers to the ingredients or the process of making African cornbread. This could limit the development of critical literacy skills related to understanding and using specific terminology.

D) Action-based exchanges that negate attention to the obvious may hinder critical literacy skills as it limits reflection and analysis of the experience.

Considering these explanations, it seems that option C - lacking referential language - is the most appropriate answer. This experience may not have enhanced critical literacy skills because it did not involve explicit language or vocabulary related to the process.

Therefore, your answer of (C) is correct for the first question.

Question 2:

To determine the correct answer for this question, we need to consider the reasons why the teacher's question posed a concern for Doresha.

Looking at the options provided:

A) The fact that Doresha is from a mainstream culture does not necessarily indicate a reason why the question posed a concern for her.

B) Describing an action not being practiced in her home or by her friends could be a possible reason for her perplexity. If she is not accustomed to describing or explaining her actions, she may struggle to respond quickly or with ease.

C) Asking someone to explain an action that the questioner is witnessing being considered disrespectful is not directly related to Doresha's concern in this specific scenario.

D) The use of language for labeling an event or something obvious being unusual in most cultures could also be a possible reason for Doresha's confusion. If she is not accustomed to using language for labeling or explicitly describing something obvious, she may face difficulty in responding to the teacher's question.

Considering these explanations, both options B and D could potentially be valid reasons for Doresha's concern. Without further context, it is difficult to determine which option is the best answer.

Therefore, your answer of (B) for the second question is not necessarily wrong, but it might be beneficial to consider option D as well.